Interviews with Founders

Tomasz Korzeniowski, CEO & Founder

“Being an engineering manager is a role, it’s a job you need to perform.”

May 15, 2023 · #finance #machine-learning

Monica Lent, Founder at Blogging for Devs

“You have to have the big picture in mind. And that often requires sacrificing things you feel are important, for things that are more important in the grand scheme of things.”

February 01, 2021 · #fintech #frontend #self-taught

Greg Thomas, Founder at BetaRover Inc

“I’ve said a few times to the team that they are the first priority, before we release anything. As such, if they need me, we drop everything else.”

November 16, 2020 · #cloud #enterprise #infrastructure #self-taught

John Barton, CEO & Founder at Hecate

“The only feeling more exciting than how much you can achieve by making a computer do the work is when you get a bunch of people making a bunch of computers do the work.”

June 10, 2019 · #coaching #entrepreneurship

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